4-H Youth Experiences in Science (2000)

Topic Area: Science Literacy | Audience: Youth ages 5-8 | Published: 2000
4-H YES uses specially trained teenage volunteers to conduct the “hands -on” science curriculum for children five- to eight-years of age enrolled in School-Age Child Care (SACC) Programs.
The 4-H YES Project offers planned, thematically-linked science education experiences geared especially to the needs of children and child care providers. The 4-H YES curriculum incorporated cross-age training and inquiry-based activities with cooperative learning. It focuses on learning scientific thinking processes and features the learning cycle model of instruction.
These easily adaptable activities make science fun and exciting. Each activity guide includes the time required for the activity, suggested grouping of participants, materials needed, preparation information, activity directions, and discussion directions. An Activity Booklet, designed for parents and children to use at home to continue the science fun, follows each guide.
Sacramento County 4-H Youth Experiences in Science Project (2010)
For more information on the Sacramento County 4-H YES project, please visit: http://cesacramento.ucdavis.edu/4H/Youth_Experiences_in_Science.htm or contact Marianne Bird at mbird@ucdavis.edu
Curriculum - 4-H Youth Experiences in Science (2000)
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