University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program

California 4-H Vision and Mission


A world in which youth and adults learn, grow, and work together as catalysts for positive change.


The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program (California 4-H) engages youth in reaching their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development.

California 4-H provides meaningful opportunities for all youth and adults to work together to create sustainable community change.

California 4-H engages young people in three primary content areas: civic engagement and leadership, healthy living, and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Core Values

  • California 4-H supports UC ANR mission and strategic initiatives, public values, and clientele needs.
  • California 4-H recognizes that professionals provide the youth development framework and program priorities for volunteer educators and other extenders who bring knowledge, experience, and passion to work with youth.
  • California 4-H appreciates, respects, and values diversity through a commitment to inclusion of diverse Californians.
  • California 4-H professionals respond to local needs within a statewide positive youth development framework.
  • California 4-H innovates to maximize impact and resources while documenting unique youth development contributions.

Primary Mission Areas

Our hands-on projects fall under four primary areas. We provide meaningful opportunities for youth and adults to work together to create sustainable community change.

  • Civic Engagement
  • Leadership
  • Healthy Living
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)


4-H Staffing Plan

See our Staffing Plan to learn more about our efforts to support the growth of the 4-H Youth Development Program by providing greater program support, additional employees and greater access to programs.


4-H Strategic Plan 2023-2028

The CA 4-H Strategic Plan 2023-2028 focuses on three interconnected themes to advance California 4-H towards high quality, equitable youth development programming and applied research over the next five years.

See the previous 4-H Strategic Plan, 2018-2028.

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