University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program

Achievement and Recognition

Recognizing achievement

In 4-H we recognize youth as they develop skills and knowledge. The following is a list of commonly used 4-H awards and pins. This list provides information regarding the program level at which each award may be earned, as well as how to purchase them. Please note, this is a general guide and some counties may differ.

Requirements to meet statuses such as "Member in Good Standing" and "Project Completion" follow the Steps to Success in 4-H model.

Displaying Pins and Badges

4-H Hat
Many members use the California 4-H uniform hat to display their achievement pins. Please see the guide on the page for placement of pins and badges on the hat.

A 4-H uniform hat is NOT required for membership in the California 4-H Youth Development Program or for participation in any 4-H activity, event, or occasion.

Purchasing Pins and Recognition items

Order from this link to Shop 4-H. When you purchase anything using our link, 5% of your purchase will be returned to California 4-H!


All Action Awards, (530) 666-3220

Leslie Carman 4-H Club Supplies


Contact your County 4-H Offices for questions pertaining to 4-H Club or County level awards.

Contact the California State 4-H Office for questions regarding state awards.


Seals and Certificates
Members may receive these awards at the club, county, regional, or state level.

Seals are awarded to members for various events and competitions. The most commonly used ranking system awards gold, blue, red, and white seals. Green seals are typically awarded for participation. Standards may vary by competition and county. Seals may be purchased through Shop 4-H.


Certificates are presented to members for various awards, events, and competitions. Below is a current list of certificate templates for club and county use.



Club Recognition

Members receiving these awards are typically recognized by the 4-H Community Club Leader

Contact your County 4-H Offices for questions pertaining to 4-H Club or County level awards.

Steps to Success in 4-H

In order to align the year completion pin and stripe recognition items to the 
Steps to Success in 4-H, the following protocols are effective July 1, 2015:

For meeting project completion requirements members receive:

1) A “Year Completion Pin” that is specific to their age level. Four pins are available:

a) Primary
b) Junior
c) Intermediate
d) Senior

2) A year stripe

  • White stripes for all members
  • Gold stripes in years where they serve as a junior or teen leader. (Members do not need to complete the whole Record Book for this criteria to be met.)

Year Completion Pins:
The year completion pin recognizes members for successful project completion.  Pins are given to youth members who are members in good standing, complete at least 6 hours of project instruction, and and complete an Annual Project Report form. These are also the requirements to achieve the "Project Completion" level in Steps to Success in 4-H . Pins are awarded annually for the 4-H enrollment level for that year.

Year pins
"Primary", "Junior", "Intermediate" and "Senior" pins can be ordered from Shop 4-H-Pins & Recognition or All Action Awards.

Year Stripes:
Following the completion of each 4-H year, members who achieve the "Project Completion" level in Steps to Success in 4-H are awarded a year stripe with the yearly achievement pin to be worn on the 4-H hat. Members earn a white stripe each year except that junior/teen leaders receive a gold stripe. The background color of the stripe should match the hat color (green or white).

Year stripes green, white, and gold
Year stripes may be purchased through Leslie Carman 4-H Club Supplies.

Officer Pins:
Members who hold an office in a 4-H Club may be awarded officer pins for positions such as: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Reporter, Council Member, and Chairman. Officer pins are also available for members who serve on the County Council (if counties allow 4-H members to serve).

Officer Pin
Pins may be ordered through Shop 4-H.

100% Attendance:
If a member maintains perfect attendance at all 4-H Club meetings and is a member in good standing, they are eligible to receive a 100% attendance pin. 4-H Clubs may determine appropriate excused absences and determine whether they count towards 100% attendance.

100 percent attendance
Pins may be purchased through Shop 4-H or All Action Awards.

Presentation Proficiency:
Clubs and projects may choose to award this pin to members who demonstrate proficiency at presentation events or contests.

Presentation Proficiency
Pins may be order through All Action Awards.

Star Rankings:
Stars are awarded based on a member's participation in the eight categories of the Personal Development Report. Members must complete a record book in order to be evaluated for a star ranking. For more information, please see Star Rankings.

Star Rankings
Stars may be purchased through Shop 4-H or Leslie Carman 4-H Club Supplies.

Club Record Book Pin:
This pin is awarded to members who submit a record book at the club level and earn a gold seal in their age category.

Record Book- club pin

Junior Leader Emblem and Pin:
Members ages 11-13 years old who hold the position of Junior Leader receive this recognition. Members must complete the junior/teen leadership report in order to be eligible. For more information, please see Junior and Teen Leaders.

Jr. Leader Emblem and Pin
Emblems may be purchased through Shop 4-H or Leslie Carman 4-H Club Supplies. Pins may only be purchased through Shop 4-H.

Teen Leader Emblem and Pin:
Members ages 14-19 years old who hold the position of teen leader receive this recognition. Members must complete the junior/teen leadership report in order to be eligible. For more information, please see Junior and Teen Leaders.

Teen Leader Emblem and Pin
Emblems may be purchased through Shop 4-H or Leslie Carman 4-H Club Supplies. Pins may only be purchased through Shop 4-H.

4-H iSprout Pins:
Members who complete the iSprout Leadership Development project are eligible for this yearly recognition. Each year is represented by a different colored pin (1st year: green, 2nd year: blue, 3rd year: orange, 4th year: red).

iSprout pins

Pins are purchased annually from All Action Awards.

4-H iGrow Pins:
Members who complete the iGrow Leadership Development project are eligible for this yearly recognition.

iGrow Pin

Pins are purchased from All Action Awards.

4-H iThrive Pins:
Members who complete the iThrive Leadership Development project or who served a year as a 4-H Thrive Master Trainer are eligible for this yearly recognition. The first year of completion, members will be awarded the oval "Thrive" pin. For each additional year of project completion, members receive one clover for each year so that the "Thrive" pin sits on a bed of clovers.

Thrive Pins (new)

Pins are purchased from All Action Awards.

Other Club Pins:
These pins may be used at the discretion of the 4-H Club to recognize 4-H members for various achievements throughout the year (e.g. project completion, personal development, outstanding service, etc.). These pins provide 4-H Clubs with the flexibility to offer incentives and recognition that may not otherwise be available. 4-H Clubs may choose to engrave these pins or award them as presented. Please note: All 4-H recognition systems must be developed to enhance the members' learning experience and 4-H core values. For more information, please visit: Chapter 13 V. Criteria for Recognition Systems.

Miscellaneous Club Pins 3

Miscellaneous Club Pins
Pins may be purchased through Shop 4-H or All Action Awards
Favorite Foods
Pins may be purchased through All Action Awards.

County Recognition

Members receiving these awards are typically recognized by the County 4-H Council at Achievement Night

Contact your County 4-H Offices for questions pertaining to 4-H Club or County level awards.

Project Pins:
This recognition is received by members who participate at exhibit/field days and qualify as county winners. Members completing project proficiency levels may also receive this recognition. Pins are specific to each project.

Project pin
Pins may be ordered through Shop 4-H.

County Presentation Day Pin:
This recognition is received by a member who presents at County Presentation Day and meets the requirements for a gold medal in their age group and presentation category. Presentations may include illustrated talks, demonstrations, impromptu speeches, prepared speeches, interpretive readings, educational displays, share the fun, cultural arts, problem solving demonstrations, or audio/visual presentations. For more information, please see Public Speaking.

County Presentation Day Pin
Pins may be purchased through All Action Awards.

Judging Pin:
Members are awarded a judging pin if they medal in a county or state level judging contest. Members may qualify for a gold, silver, or bronze pin based on the predetermined judging criteria.

Judging pin

County Record Book Pin:
Members who qualify with a gold seal at the club level may submit their record books for county level judging. This pin is awarded to medalists and county winners.

record book county
Pins may be purchased through All Action Awards.

All Star Emblem:
All Star Ambassador is the highest recognition that can be conferred on senior (ages 14+) members at the county level. 4-H County All Star Ambassadors receive this recognition through a selection process defined at the local level to provide members with expanded leadership experiences. For more information, please see County Ambassadors.

All Star

New All Star Pin
All Star emblems may be purchased through Shop 4-H or Leslie Carman 4-H Club Supplies. Pins may be requested through the state 4-H office (annual orders are placed in February) or purchased through All Action Awards.

Emerald Star Emblem and Pin:
The emerald star is a recognition provided to 4-H members (ages 11-19) who complete a project beyond the 4-H Club level. Upon completion of their emerald star project, members are awarded their emerald star emblem. Some counties may also choose to award an emerald star pin; however, there is no standard place to purchase these. For more information, please see 4-H County Emerald Star.

Emerald Star Emblem

Emerald Star pin
Emblems may be purchased through Shop 4-HLeslie Carman 4-H Club SuppliesStockPins.comTrophy CentralClassic Medallics, or at

Hi 4-H Emblem:
Members receive a Hi 4-H emblem when they actively participate in a county Hi 4-H program. Hi 4-H programs vary from county to county.

Hi 4-H Emblem
Emblems may be purchased through Shop 4-H or Leslie Carman 4-H Club Supplies.

Showmanship Pin:
This award recognizes members who are medalists or county winners at 4-H field days or animal exhibit days. Members may receive a bronze, silver, or gold pin based on the judging criteria.

Showmanship pin
Pins may be purchased through All Action Awards.

County Fashion Revue Pin:
County winners or medalists at county fashion revue are awarded a county fashion revue pin.

Fashion Revue pin
Pins may be purchased through All Action Awards.
Adult Leader Pin:
The adult leader pin is used to recognize 4-H volunteer leaders. Leaders receive this pin after completing their first year as an adult leader with the program.
New Adult Leader Pin
Pins may be purchased through All Action Awards.

General 4-H Recognition Pin:
This pin may be used to recognize various contributions to the 4-H Youth Development Program. Examples include County Board of Supervisors, judges at 4-H events, donors, and recognition of organizations partnering with 4-H.

General 4-H Recognition
Pins may be requested through the state 4-H office (annual orders are placed in February).

State Recognition

Members receiving these awards are typically recognized at Area or state level events and conferences

Contact the California State 4-H Office for questions regarding state awards.

Area Presentation Day Pin:
Members who qualify with a gold at County Presentation Day are eligible to compete at Area Presentation Day. Presentation Day pins recognize individuals who meet the gold medal requirements in their age group and presentation category at the Area level. For more information about the types of presentations, please see Public Speaking. Pins may be purchased through All Action Awards, (530) 666-3220.


State 4-H Shooting Sports Match Pin:
Members who received top honors in this event earn the pin. See the Shooting Sports page for more information. Pins are awarded at the state level and cannot be purchased.

State Shooting Sports Match pins
State Shooting Sports Match pins

State 4-H Field Day Pin:
Members who receive a gold at State Field Day in the State Presentation Day or Judging Contest; or top placing in Plant Science Contest or State Photography Contest are recognized with a State Field Day pin. Pins are awarded at the state level and cannot be purchased.

State Field Day pin
State Field Day pin

State 4-H Presentation Day Special Recognition Pins*:
Special recognition will be given to youth who focus their presentations on one of the following areas: Science, Engineering and Technology, Healthy Living, Civic Engagement and Positive Youth Development. Pins are awarded at the state level and cannot be purchased.

*This is not being offered at State Presentation Day 2020

State Presentation Day Special Recognition pin-STEM
State Presentation Day Special Recognition Pin-Civic Engagement
State Presentation Day Special Recognition Pin-Healthy Living

State Fashion Revue Pin:
Members who qualify as county winners at county Fashion Revue are eligible to compete at State Fashion Revue. State Fashion Revue winners are awarded these pins according to their age group and category.

State Fashion Revue pin
State Fashion Revue pin

State Service Pin:
Members and volunteers who participate on the State Management Board, Management Board Committees or State Advisory Committees are recognized with these pins. Youth are awarded silver pins and adults are awarded gold pins. Pins may be ordered by the state advisory chairs and awarded by the county. 

State Service pin
State Service pin

California Focus Plan of Action Pin:
To receive this pin, a 4-H youth must: 1) attend the California Focus Conference; successfully complete the plan of action they presented on the final day of the conference; 3) submit their final report to the state 4-H office by April of the following year. For more information, please see California Focus. Pins are awarded at the state level and cannot be purchased. 

Cal Focus Plan of Action pin
Cal Focus Plan of Action pin

State 4-H Record Book Winner:
Senior 4-H members are eligible to enter the state record book competition. State judging is focused on selecting 4-H members who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their 4-H project work. State medalists receive a silver pin and certificate. State winners receive a gold pin and a certificate. For more information, please see Record Book Competitions. Pins are awarded at the state level and cannot be purchased.

State Record Book Medalist & Winner pins
State Record Book Medalist & Winner pins

Golden Clover Award:
The Golden Clover Awards recognize outstanding achievements of members, volunteers, program staff, and groups within the 4-H Youth Development Program. If selected, the recipient is presented with the Golden Clover pin, medallion, and $500. For more information, please see 4-H Golden Clover Awards. Pins are awarded at the state level and cannot be purchased.

Golden Clover Award pin
Golden Clover Award pin

State Ambassador Pin:
4-H State Ambassador (previously 4-H Diamond Star) is one of the highest service opportunities and recognition attainable in the 4-H Youth Development Program. 4-H State Ambassadors are youth who have excelled in the areas of leadership and community service, and have been selected to serve the 4-H program in roles that promote leadership through education and service.  For more information, please see the 4-H State Ambassador page. Pins are awarded at the 4-H State Leadership Conference at the beginning of the Ambassador term and cannot be purchased.

State Ambassador pin
State Ambassador pin


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