University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program

State 4-H Advisory Committees

The State 4-H Advisory Committees provide leadership and offer insight, review and input to the Statewide 4-H Director for the operation and management of the 4-H Youth Development Program.

Advisory Committees are a representative group of 4-H youth, adult volunteers, county and state 4-H staff and program partners. 

Advisory Committees

Committee Descriptions Committee Rosters
Animal Science Advisory Committee Animal Science Advisory Committee Roster
Camping Advisory Committee Camping Advisory Committee Roster
Civic Engagement Advisory Committee Civic Engagement Advisory Committee Roster 
Clothing and Textiles Advisory Committee Clothing and Textiles Advisory Committee Roster
Equine Science Advisory Committee Equine Science Advisory Committee Roster
Healthy Living Advisory Committee Healthy Living Advisory Committee Roster

Incentives and Recognition Advisory Committee

- Record Book Competition Volunteer Coordinator

Incentives and Recognition Advisory Committee Roster

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Advisory Committee

JEDI Advisory Committee Roster
Policy Advisory Committee Policy Advisory Committee Roster
Public Speaking and Communications Advisory Committee Public Speaking and Communications Advisory Committee Roster
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Advisory Committee (on hiatus 2024-25) STEM Advisory Committee Roster 
Shooting Sports Advisory Committee Shooting Sports Advisory Committee Roster
Volunteer Development Advisory Committee Volunteer Development Advisory Committee Roster


Apply for an Advisory Committee

Recruitment for 2024-25 Advisory Committees has re-opened! Applications will be accepted through September 30, 2024. If you would like to be considered for and Advisory Committee after that date, please refer to the links to the Committee Descriptions on this page for links to email addresses for Committee Chairs.

Advisory Committee application


Applications are accepted for each year before the end of the program year (June 30). Note: For the 2024-25 program year most committees are accepting applications through September 30, 2024. After September 30, please check with the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee you are interested in joining.


Membership in all Advisory Committees should reflect the diverse 4-H delivery modes, geographic locations, program experiences, and stakeholder representation in the 4-H Youth Development Program. The committee composition is determined by the Statewide 4-H Director and the Committee Chair, based on the committee charge and budget constraints. 

The Statewide 4-H Director approves appointments to each committee. In the event of vacancies and to ensure diverse representation, the Statewide 4-H Director may recruit and appoint members outside the open pool of applicants. 

Selection Timeline:

Date Action

Committee Chairs determine membership needs, which includes determining which members are continuing and which are rotating off.

June 14 Applications due

List of applicants sent to each Committee Chair for review. When there are not enough candidates to fulfill the committee needs, the Committee Chairs may nominate people for committee appointments.


Reference check on final candidates with county 4-H staff.


Appointments receive approval from Statewide 4-H Director.


Notification letters sent to all candidates.


Committee Chair Responsibilities

Committee Chairs are appointed by the Statewide 4-H Director. Responsibilities include:

  • Convening and facilitating committee meetings
  • Ensuring the committee fulfills its charge
  • Reviewing and providing feedback on candidates for their committee
  • Developing an annual budget, which is approved by the Statewide 4-H Director
  • Sharing committee work with all program stakeholders

Committee Responsibilities

  • Committee terms start on July 1st. Youth terms are one year, renewable for an additional year; Adult Volunteers and Partner terms are for two years.
  • Committees meet throughout the year, through face-to-face meetings, conference calls, and email communications in order to conduct committee business. 
  • Reimbursement for Travel Costs: All travel costs and related expenses for Advisory Committee members are reimbursed by the State 4-H Office in accordance with University policy.
Term starting July 1


Age 14 to 19 years of age during the term

Current and former 4-H members

12 months (renewable for 12 additional months)

Adult Volunteers

18 years of age and older

Current 4-H Adult Volunteers

24 months

Program Partners

Educators, funders, and other program partners and collaborators

24 months

County 4-H Youth Development Program Staff

4-H Program Representatives

4-H Youth Development Advisors

4-H County Directors

24 months

State 4-H Youth 
Program Staff and 
UC Administration

State 4-H Office Staff

Staff from Office of the Controller and Business Services

California 4-H Foundation Staff

Indefinite, based on position


Experts with specialized knowledge

Indefinite, based on position


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