4-H Delivers
Butte County 4-H Reforestation Project
The Issue
What has 4-H Done?
The Butte County 4-H Reforestation Project toured the burn areas, spoke with local experts, and saw first-hand the magnitude of the damage. The project worked with Cal Fire, the Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council, local landowners, and local nurseries to find out where the community's need was greatest and how to go about addressing those needs. The project emphasizes environmental sustainability, civic participation, leadership, and safety.
The members began planting in November of 2009, and planted approximately 450 trees of different varieties, including Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pines, and Incense Cedar. The project continued throughout the planting season, garnering media attention, funding, and partnerships with outside organizations.
The Payoff
As of May 27, 2010, over 15,000 trees have been planted and distributed throughout Butte County. The project members are looking forward to new partnerships and leadership roles in their community in the 2011 growing season. The group was recently awarded a Golden Clover award in the category of Luella Zamzow Spirit of Citizenship Award.
Author: Annalee Sanborn, State 4-H Office Student Assistant, asanborn@ucdavis.edu