4-H Club Activities
Before the club year begins, the community club leader, the officer advisor, and the officers meet together to complete the following tasks:
- Review the duties of each officer. Please refer to the 4-H Officer's Manual.
- Set annual club goals for membership, programs, and community service.
- Develop a year-long club program calendar.
- Plan the club budget.
- Help youth and adults complete enrollment paperwork.
At each club meeting, the community club leader and officers:
- Work as a team to set-up and clean-up the meeting area.
- Greet guests, members, and leaders as they arrive.
- Help new or younger members become acquainted with 4-H terms.
- Lead the meeting using an agenda and take minutes.
- Organize recreational activities.
At the end of the year, club members and officers should:
- Complete a 4-H record book and submit it for club judging.
- Complete the 4-H financial report (usually the duty of the treasurer).
- Meet with the officer advisor to evaluate their year.
- Hold elections for next year's officers.