University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program

Enrollment Forms

Self-enroll in the 4-H Enrollment System instead of paper forms

We highly recommend that all families and volunteers self-enroll in 4-H Enrollment System. The 4-H Enrollment system was designed for families to use for self-enrollment.

Benefits of self-enrolling in 4-H Enrollment System:

  • Speeds up the enrollment process. Users enter their own information and form approvals - no waiting for someone else to enter the information into 4-H Enrollment System.

  • Minimizes data entry error when paper forms are entered by someone else

  • Lessens the amount of paperwork that must be submitted and stored for the enrollment process, both for the applicant and the person entering the information into 4-H Enrollment System.

  • Automated status updates. Self-enrolled members and volunteers are sent automated messages to their Household email with eXtension login instructions and the status of their enrollment. Those who use paper forms must contact their 4-H county Program Representative to get that information.

  • Users can login to 4-H Enrollment System anytime to update their Health History form. This helps keep the forms always up to date. If you submit a paper form, you should resubmit the Health History Form every time you have a change to your health history.

  • The 4-H Enrollment System Health History Form can be used for participation in 4-H events and activities. Those who use paper forms (which must be on file in the 4-H office), will have to resubmit a Health History form for events, since it has to be up to date for each activity.

ZSuite Login page 

ZSuite is the web-based enrollment system used by UC 4-H Youth Development Program to enroll youth and accept adult volunteer applications.

See the Enrollment Tip sheet for guidance on logging into and enrolling using the ZSuite system. 

If you have enrollment questions, please contact your local County 4-H Office

4-H Enrollment System Resources



2024-2025 Enrollment Forms

The enrollment forms below can be used when individuals cannot self-enroll in the 4-H enrollment system.

The PDF forms contain fillable fields. You can fill out the forms in your browser or download to open in Adobe Acrobat. Please keep a copy of all forms that you submit.


Enrollment forms in Spanish

The California 4-H enrollment system is currently only in English. Those who need forms in Spanish should use the paper enrollment packet and turn it in to their club leader or county staff. Individuals enrolling and staff keep a copy of the submitted forms.

El sistema de inscripción 4-H de California actualmente solo está en inglés. Aquellos que necesiten formularios en español deben usar el paquete de inscripción en papel y entregárselo al líder del club o al personal del condado. Tanto las personas como el personal de entrada de datos deben conservar una copia de los formularios enviados. 

Formulario de inscripción de miembros (Member Enrollment Form)

Los siguientes formularios están en el paquete de inscripción.
(The following forms are in the registration packet.)

  1. Paquete de inscripción de miembros (Youth member enrollment packet)
  2. Historial de salud juvenil y Autorización para tratamiento (médico) - (Youth Health History and Treatment Authorization Form)
  3. Encuestas y evaluaciones de consentimiento de los padres - (4-H Parent/Guardian Consent for Surveys and Evaluations)
  4. Acuerdo de exención de responsabilidad, asunción de riesgos y exoneración - (Waiver of Liability)
  5. Código de Conducta para Miembros - (Member Code of Conduct)
  6. Código de conducta para padres, tutores o adultos participantes de 4-H - (Parent, Guardian, or Adult Participant Code of Conduct)
  7. Autorización de fotos e información, aviso de responsabilidad animal y vacunas con firma - (Photo & Information Release, Animal Liability Release, Vaccinations Notice)
  8. Lista de Proyectos de 4-H - (4-H Project List)

Formularios adicionales

Código de conducta para padres, tutores o adultos participantes en 4-H - con línea de firma (Parent, Guardian, or Adult Participant Code of Conduct with signature fields) 

Código de conducta para miembros con línea de firma (Youth Code of Conduct with signature fields)

Autorización de fotos e información, aviso de responsabilidad animal y vacunas con firma (Photo & Information Release, Animal Liability Release and Vaccinations Notice with signature fields)


Solicitud de voluntariado (Volunteer Enrollment Application)

Los siguientes formularios están en el paquete de voluntarios.
(The following forms are in the volunteer registration packet.)

  1. Paquete de solicitud de voluntario adulto (Adult Volunteer Enrollment Application Packet) 
  2. Exoneración de responsabilidad, aceptación de riesgo y acuerdo sobre indemnización (Waiver of Liability)
  3. Formulario de Auto Divulgación Confidencial para Voluntarios (Volunteer Confidential Self-Disclosure Form)
  4. Autorización de fotos e información, aviso de responsabilidad animal y vacunas (Photo & Information Release, Animal Liability Release, and Vaccinations Notice)
  5. Código de Conducta para Voluntarios Adultos (Adult Volunteer Code of Conduct)
  6. Lista de Proyectos de 4-H - (4-H Project List)

Formularios adicionales

Código de conducta para voluntarios adultos con línea de firma (Adult Volunteer Code of Conduct with signature)

Autorización de fotos e información, aviso de responsabilidad animal y vacunas con firma (Photo & Information Release, Animal Liability Release, and Vaccinations Notice with signature)



Paper enrollment forms

Member Forms

  1. Member enrollment packet
  2. Youth Health History and Treatment Authorization Form
  3. Parent/Guardian Consent for Surveys and Evaluations
  4. Waiver of Liability
  5. Member Code of Conduct
  6. 4-H Parent, Guardian or Adult Participant Code of Conduct
  7. Photo & Information Release, Animal Liability Release, Vaccinations Notice
  8. California 4-H Project List

Forms with signature fields added

Code of Conduct with signature - Parent/Guardian
Code of Conduct with signature - Member
Photo & Information, Animal Liability Release and Vaccinations Notice with signature

Adult Volunteer Forms

  1. Adult Volunteer Enrollment Application Packet
  2. Waiver of Liability
  3. Confidential Self-Disclosure Form
  4. Photo & Information Release, Animal Liability Release, Vaccinations Notice
  5. Adult Volunteer Code of Conduct
  6. California 4-H Project List

Forms with signature fields added

Volunteer Code of Conduct with signature
Photo & Information Release, Animal Liability and Vaccinations Notice with signature

Group Enrollment Forms

Template - 2024-2025 4-H Agency Summary Group Enrollment Form

Template - 2024-2025 4-H Self-Reporting Group Enrollment Form (PDF)

Template - 2024-2025 4-H Spanish Self Reporting Group Enrollment Form


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