Color Me Green 5K Run
What is a Color Me Green 5K Run?
The Color Me Green 5K Run is a state-wide service learning opportunity specific to the improvement of health. With the support of adult leaders, youth organize and execute a 5K run in their community.
The theme, "Color Me Green" refers to the green powder used to splash runners who complete the run, in the spirit of "color runs". For areas that don't allow the powder, "Color Me Green" can still be used as a theme for showing support and pride in 4-H in the community.
It is our hope that through participation in the Color Me Green 5K Runs both individuals and communities will aspire to increase their health habits.
Be a health advocate for your community and host a Color Me Green 5K Run!
How can I host a Color Me Green 5K?
- Identify an adult volunteer or staff member to partner with.
- For Color Me Green 5K Run questions, please contact Ally Lemmer at
Color Me Green Host Guide:
Suggested hashtags to use with social media:
#ColorMeGreen #California4H #HealthyLiving #4HWaterWed #UCANR #CMG5K
Run Date:
We recommend you schedule your Color Me Green Run during the month of March.
4-H Fun Run Waiver Template 2018
Suggested Vendors:
Shirts Please order white shirts with the Color Me Green logo.
Dye should be purchased in both bulk and individual packets (one packet per runner). Please only purchase green color. This dye is also known as "Holi powder", which is used during the Hindu festival of Holi to celebrate spring.
Color Me Green Host Guide:
Sample Session: CMG Curriculum-Session 1
Tips and Suggestions:
- Host a pre-registration event.
- Host a 4-H booth at the event to share information about your club's upcoming activities and encourage people to join or volunteer.
- Create a backdrop for photo booth-style pictures.
- Start a 4-H Walking Project.
- Use condiment bottles to disburse colored powder.
- Remember to group enroll new participants in 4hOnline.
Teen Staff
Community Participants
County Staff or Adult Leader evaluation
Additional Resources:
Color Me Green Flyer
Promote your event with the Color Me Green flyer PDF templates, available in English & Spanish.
Click on the photo to download the PDF of the flyer.
How to edit flyers:
1. Both flyers are editable PDFs.
2. Required fields are Location, Date, Time and For More Information. You can add your website and contact person's email and phone number to the "For more Information" section.
3. Text in fields will resize to fit.
4. The text showing in the Description box is the default - you can change it with your own text or leave it as-is.
If you have any questions about the templates, please email Suzanne Morikawa at