University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
University of California
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program

Posts Tagged: evaluation

Mixed methods research recommendations

The National Institutes of Health has issued new recommendations for best practices in performing mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) research. The authors comment that the use of a combination of methods helps to shed light on complex problems by providing multiple perspectives. The integration of multiple forms of data can maximize the strengths of a research project. Their recommendations are aimed primarily at NIH grant applicants, but include information that may be useful to researchers and evaluators whether they are applying for an NIH grant or not.

Posted on Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 10:50 AM
  • Author: Katherine E Heck

4-H impact in 6 western states

A new article in the Journal of Extension compares 4-H youth to other young people in six western states (MT, ID, UT, CO, NV, and NM). The comparison finds that youth in 4-H report having higher grades in school, lower levels of several risk behaviors (such as alcohol use, smoking, and sexual activity), and higher levels of positive responses to identity statements, such as "On the whole, I like myself." 4-H youth had higher levels of self-confidence and empowerment than non-4-H respondents. The report includes results by state.

Posted on Monday, August 29, 2011 at 9:40 AM
  • Author: Katherine E Heck
Tags: 4-H (1), evaluation (9)

Research Methods Knowledge Base

There is a new online textbook available written by the former president of the American Evaluation Association, Michael Trochim. The intent of this book is to provide students and researchers with information about research and evaluation, including measurement, sampling, analysis, and writing.

The full textbook must be purchased, but there are several subsections which are available at this link.

The planning and evaluation cycle is described here. An overview of several aspects of measurement, validity, reliability, types of measures, research design, and several other topics are available at the site.

Posted on Monday, August 15, 2011 at 11:06 AM
  • Author: Katherine E Heck
Tags: evaluation (9), methods (1), Research (10)

Ten steps to making evaluation matter

The May 2011 issue of Evaluation & Program Planning includes an article on "Ten Steps to Making Evaluation Matter." The article provides a ten step framework for the steps of best practice evaluation. The framework includes a full approach of the steps needed for full evaluation. This includes garnering a basic understanding of the program, identifying the program theory (effectively a logic model approach), evaluation design and implementation, and sustainability and impact.

The "Ten Steps in a Nutshell" are located here.

Posted on Monday, February 21, 2011 at 8:39 AM
  • Author: Katherine E Heck
Tags: Evaluation (9), Frameworks (1)

Community of Practice webinars

North Carolina State University has an ongoing series of eXtension Community of Practice webinars that they would like county and state staff to join. The webinars last one hour and occur on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at noon west coast time.

Below is the announcement.


Happy New Year and welcome to the eXtension Evaluation Community of Practice monthly webinar. Our first session is in two weeks--Jan. 19, 3-4PM ET--and the link appears below. In 2011, the E-CoP Leadership Team decided to offer target separate webinars to specialists and to community practitioners. I (Ben Silliman, NC 4-H Specialist) will continue to facilitate a monthly webinar/community for 4-H agents and staff. We want to understand how to use evaluation to promote positive youth development-- not just document youth outcomes--and want to stay practitioner-friendly. New learning, program samples, Q&A, and dialogue are all part of the experience. As you see below, topics will be a little biased toward 4-H Science since that's a big component of local programs and a huge thrust nationally. State Science teams are encouraged to come aboard monthly and work on statewide capacity-building in between webinars.

Tentative topics for the first few months are as follows:

1/19: Evaluation as Positive Youth Development;

2/16 Experiential Learning and Evaluation;

3/16 Workforce Skills Outcomes for Camp Counselors;

4/20 Focus Groups with Adults and Youth;

5/18 Program "Dosage" and Outcomes;

6/15 Goal Setting Life Skills.

Persons from all levels (program assistants, agents, and specialists) and all disciplines are welcomed, but know that our focus will be more strongly on youth program evaluation. Don't forget to bring your headset and come on early to adjust sound levels.

Specialist webinars will meet less often and be announced later. The link to this month's 4-H/Youth webinar is below:

[ E-CoP Webinar on Evaluation as Youth Development ]

Session Time:     Wednesday, January 19, 3-4PM ET (access from 2:45 PM ET)

Join Session Link:


Add to Calendar:



Posted on Monday, January 10, 2011 at 10:43 AM
  • Author: Katherine E Heck
Tags: Evaluation (9), eXtension (1), Webinars (1)

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